Transparent LED Screens
Have you ever wondered how to take your advertising to the next level? We at Aclatic have made it our mission to bring state of the art advertising solutions to you using the very latest technology. With this view in mind we have introduced Transparent LED screens to the market. This allows you to transform the façade of your office by using a transparent LED instead of plain glass. By using Transparent LED with your office or building glass façade you are able to make maximum use of an otherwise dead space. While the transparency allows those inside to see outside, the LED display means you can advertise, with images and videos, making your office more attractive to the masses while promoting your brand. Further to this you can also use Transparent LED systems to make your building façade more beautiful, unique & attractive especially in the case of high-rise buildings, be it apartments, hotels or office complexes. Transparent LED systems take you in to the future in a seamlessly beautiful way!